New Paper on Feature Normalization and Regularized Regression

We have a new paper out on arXiv about normalization for regularized regression (lasso, ridge, and elastic net regression). There is remarkably little research on how to standardize non-normal features in regularized regression and in this paper we try to bridge this knowledge gap by considering binary features.

ridge regression

Johan Larsson


21 January 2025

The Lasso, Elastic Net, and Ridge Regression

The lasso is probably the most well-known regularization method and the first one I encountered when I first learned about regularized regression methods. The model can be written as a special case of the elastic net, which is an optimization problem that takes the following form: \operatorname*{minimize}_{\beta_0 \in \mathbb{R},\bm{\beta} \in \mathbb{R}^p} \frac{1}{2} \lVert \bm y - \beta_0 - \bm{X}\bm{\beta} \rVert^2_2 + \lambda_1 \lVert \bm\beta \rVert_1 + \frac{\lambda_2}{2}\lVert \bm \beta \rVert_2^2, where \bm{X} is the matrix of features, \bm{y} is the response, and \beta_0 and \bm{\beta} are the intercept and coefficients, respectively. Setting \lambda_2 = 0 gives us the lasso, whereas \lambda_1 = 0 gives us ridge regression: another special case of the elastic net.

In the equation above, \lambda_1 \lVert \bm\beta \rVert_1 + \frac{\lambda_2}{2}\lVert \bm \beta \rVert_2^2 is a regularization term that penalizes coefficients by their magnitudes, and \lambda_1 and \lambda_2 control the strength of this penalization. The higher these are set, the more the coefficients are shrunk towards zero. A high enough value of \lambda_1 will make some or all the coefficients zero, which gives us a sparse model. This is the primary reason why the lasso has been so popular, since this sparsity leads to a model that is easier to interpret.


Like most people who have been introduced to the lasso, I quickly learned that you need to normalize the features (\bm{X}) before fitting the model since their scales affect the resulting coefficients. The larger the scale (as measured in variance or, equivalently, standard deviation), the smaller the effect of regularization becomes. The reason for this is that the coefficient can be smaller for an equivalent effect on the predicted response.

Many sources, including one of the first papers on the lasso by Tibshirani (1996), recommend that you standardize your data, which means centering and scaling each feature by its mean and standard deviation. If your features are normally distributed, this practice speaks to intuition: each feature’s distribution can be described fully by its mean and standard deviation, so standardizing it will create a standard normal distribution, ensuring that the effects of regularization will be fair across the full set of features. After having standardized, most people will eventually want to return the coefficients to the original scales of the features, but doing so is simple.

The problem with the procedure, however, is that not all features are normally distributed. What, for instance, should we do about binary features?1 At this point you may wonder if this matters in practice, and the answer is that it does. Consider Figure 1, which shows the lasso paths for four different data sets and under two types of normalization schemes: standardization and max–abs normalization. The latter of these scales the data to lie in [-1, 1], which preserves sparsity for binary data but makes it sensitive to outliers.

1 Features that values in \{0,1\} only as, for instance, whether or not you have a specific gene present in your DNA.

Figure 1: Lasso paths for some real data sets. Notice that the paths differ heavily depending on which normalization type (standardization or max–abs) is used. The first five features to be selected in either normalization scheme are colored in the plots.

The point of this figure is to illustrate that the choice of normalization matters in a critical way, leading to different models and affecting the conclusions you draw from it.

The (Non-Existent) Literature

Remarkably, this (strong) relationship between normalization and regularization has not been studied at all. When searching for motivation for whatever normalization approach a given paper used, I typically found that papers either just stated their method of normalization as a matter of fact or motivated it by being “standard”.

To me, this seems fine if you’re just researching simulated data that you’ve sampled from some normal distribution. But that’s rarely the case when dealing with real data, and never so when the data is binary. There are some more informal discussions on normalization, however, so I’d like to take some time to briefly review these here. For instance, the current documentation for scikit-learn recommends users to use MaxAbsScaler (max–abs normalization) to deal with sparse data (in order to preserve sparsity), but there is no discussion on the fact that this will affect the model (as we saw in Figure 1). My feeling about this is that I would be very careful before I based my choice of normalization (and, implicitly, the choice of model) on the way the data is stored on my hard drive (sparse or dense), particularly since it is often simple to normalize the data during optimization without having to ever store the full matrix in a dense format. This is for instance what glmnet does, which, on the other hand, only supports a single type of normalization (standardization).

In a comment to an issue for the ncvreg package, Patrick Breheny, the author of said package, writes that you should definitely standardize dummy features. Finally, there is also a question on stack exchange about this, but no real conclusions to be drawn from it.

In spite of all this, lasso, ridge, and elastic net regression have been used frequently on binary data in spite of there being very little understanding of how these methods actually work in this situation.

The Paper

The paper that we have written about this is titled The Choice of Normalization Influences Shrinkage in Regularized Regression (Larsson and Wallin 2025) and is now out on arXiv2. In it, we begin to address this apparent knowledge gap by studying this interplay between normalization and regularization in lasso, ridge, and elastic net regression. Our focus is on the case of binary features and mixes of binary and normally distributed features.

2 You can see an abstract and citation info here as well

3 Or equivalently, its mean.

Our first result is that the class balance (proportion of ones versus zeros3) of the binary feature directly influences shrinkage. For both ridge and the lasso, the effect is basically that the more imbalanced the feature is, the more the coefficient will be shrunk by the estimator. Note that this effect is a by-product of regularization and does not, for instance, occur with standard linear regression.

Interestingly, this effect from a given normalization scheme depends directly on which regularization method is used, which means that to mitigate this effect you will need different normalization strategies depending on which type of penalty we use in our model.

To study this more formally, we introduce a parameterization for scaling a feature, given by s_j = (q_j - q_j^2)^\delta, where q_j is the class balance of the jth feature. When \delta = 0, there would for instance be no scaling for the binary feature (as in max–abs normalization). If \delta = 1/2, we would scale by the standard deviation of the feature—as in standardization. If \delta = 1, then we would instead scale by its variance.

Throughout the paper we assume that our data comes from a linear model \bm{y} = \bm{X\beta} + \bm{\varepsilon}, where \bm{y} is the response, \bm{X} is the matrix of features, and \bm{\varepsilon} is the vector of errors, which we assume to be identically and independently distributed and, for many of our results, normally distributed.

These are classical and mostly non-controversial assumptions in this field. But we also make a strong4 assumption, assuming that the features are orthogonal to one another, so that \bm{X}^\intercal \bm{X} is some diagonal matrix. In this case, the elastic net estimator admits a closed-form expression, which means that we can study the effect of varying the scaling parameter \delta.

4 Although the assumption is strong, our empirical experiments suggest that our results likely extend to more general cases.

Bias–Variance Trade-Offs

What we show in our paper is that there is a bias–variance trade-off with respect to this normalization parameter, \delta. See Figure 2 for a simple example of this, where we consider a two-dimensional problem with one binary feature and one normally distributed feature. We have kept the true coefficients fixed at one for each of the features, and only vary q: the class balance (proportion of ones and zeros in the binary feature). We consider the cases \delta=0 (no scaling), \delta=1 (standard deviation scaling), and \delta=1 (variance scaling) and we see that there are only two settings that seem to mitigate this class-balance bias: in ridge and lasso regression, respectively, these are \delta = 1/2 and 1.

Figure 2: Lasso and ridge estimates for a two-dimensional problem where one feature is a binary feature with class balance q_j (\operatorname{Bernoulli}(q_j)) and the other is quasi-normal with standard deviation 1/2, (\operatorname{Normal}(0, 0.5)).

This figure also shows that this type of variance scaling, while reducing bias, increases variance in the estimates. This is not particularly surprising, however, since an unbalanced feature necessarily provides less information than a balanced one.

Figure 2 is purely an empirical result from a simulation, but under our particular assumptions we can work out this bias–variance trade-off exactly. In Figure 3, we have done exactly that for the lasso. (The paper includes results for ridge regression and the elastic net as well.) In this figure, \sigma_\varepsilon represents the standard deviation of the error term in our data—the measurement noise. And what we can deduce from this figure is that this bias–variance trade-off very much depends on the noise level. If the signal is strong, then we can reduce the mean-squared error (MSE) by employing this variance scaling, but if the problem is noisier, we do better (in a prediction error sense) by using standardization instead.

Figure 3: Bias and variance

To study if and how this choice of the normalization parameter \delta might impact predictive performance in a real-data setting, we’ve also conducted experiments where we have varied both \delta as well as the regularization strength (\lambda) for lasso and ridge models, recording hold-out error for each fit. The results are shown in Figure 4, from which it is evident that the optimal value for \delta is data-dependent, although standardization might make for a good default since it mitigates some of the class-balance bias without imposing too much variance.

Figure 4: Normalized mean-squared error (NMSE) for the hold-out set for lasso and ridge regression on three different real datasets (a1a, w1a, and rhee2006). The dotted line marks the best value for \delta as a function of \lambda/\lambda_\text{max} (where \lambda_\text{max} is the value at which all the coefficients are zero). The circle marks the optimal combination of \delta and \lambda.

Mixed Data

We spend a substantial amount of time in the paper to also discuss the problem of mixed data: data sets that include both binary and continuous features, although in the paper we restrict ourselves to study the case of normal features.

When dealing with regularized methods, this scenario imposes a tricky question, namely: how do we put binary and continuous features on the same scale? This question is critical because, as we have already seen, shrinkage from the lasso and company will depend directly on how we choose to normalize the features to deal with this.

To put this problem into perspective, let’s say that we standardize all our features and also assume that our binary features are perfectly balanced (so that q_j = 1/2 for all j corresponding to a binary features). If all of this holds, then it actually turns out that the coefficients of the binary and normal features will be regularized by the same amount if flipping the binary feature from 0 to 1 corresponds to a change of one standard deviation in the normal feature. In other words, our choice of normalization imposes this particular choice of what a one-unit change in terms of a binary feature should be equivalent to in terms of a normal feature (or vice versa).

You may or may not think this is a reasonable approach to scale binary and normal features relative to one another, but I would be surprised if you thought that this was reasonable for all binary features, given that they often represent entirely different things. Some features are indeed truly binary in nature, but many are just too distant points on the same continuum. It is true that some binary features come from dichotomization of continuous variables, in which case you should be able to base your choice of scaling on the original continuous feature’s scale, but even in this case it is not the case that there is one single way to dichotomize a variable that ensures that they are put on the same scale.5

5 In any case, you should always be careful about dichotomizing your features since you are in effect throwing away information about your data.

The particular relative scaling imposed by standardization was actually the subject of a paper by Gelman (2008), although tackled from the perspective of presenting standardized coefficients in standard regression model settings. In this paper, he argues that the default of equating a one-unit change in a binary feature to a one-standard deviation change in the normal feature is typically not a good default and advocated for instead using two standard deviations. In our paper, we adopt this setting, but here I want to stress that there is nothing critical in our results that depend on this. But we want to stress that this choice should if possible be done actively.

Another interesting part about this is that if we switch normalization method to, say, maximum–absolute value normalization, then this relationship changes.6 With another normalization method comes another relative scaling of binary and normal features. So, the choice of normalization does not just lead to a different behavior with respect to class balance, it also leads to an implicit weighting of binary and normal features relative to one another.

6 Even if the binary features are perfectly balanced.

The Weighted Elastic Net

We have so far discussed the normalization in the context of the lasso and ridge regression. Careful readers might, however, have noticed that we have not yet said anything about the elastic net (save for a few words in the introduction). The reason is that it turns out to me impossible to fully mitigate the class-balance bias in the case of the elastic net through modifications to the normalization procedure, which you can almost guess from Figure 2, since the modifications for ridge and lasso are different.

Thankfully there turns out to be a solution to this problem, which is to use the weighted elastic net, in which we modify the weights of each penalty factor instead of normalizing. The problem then becomes \frac{1}{2} \lVert \bm{y} - \beta_0 - \bm{X}\bm{\beta}\rVert_2^2 + \lambda_1 \sum_{j=1}^p u_j |\beta_j| + \frac{\lambda_2}{2} \sum_{j=1}^p v_j \beta_j^2. I won’t cover any details here, but please see the paper for more information.


The main takeaway from this paper is that the choice of normalization matters greatly in the case of regularized regression, at least in the case of lasso, ridge, and elastic net regression. In spite of this fact, there is scant research on this topic, and the little information that is available through non-formal channels is typically anecdotal and not motivated by any theoretical or even empirical considerations.

We have focused on binary features in this paper and have shown that standard approaches such as standardization and max–abs normalization lead to biased estimates in terms of class balance (the proportion of ones) of these binary features, depending on whether a lasso or ridge penalty is used. I think this may come as a surprise to some and have real implications for data sets in which a given feature is rare but has a strong effect on the response. Consider, for instance, gene expression data where the presence of a rare gene might be crucial for predicting a disease. If you would apply the lasso this data set after having standardized it, then chances are that your model might not pick up on this effect at all.

I have covered a few highlights in this blog post, but there is much more in the paper itself, including a section on normalization in the case of interactions between the features as well as many more experiments (and of course much more theory). I think you’ll find the paper interesting and hope that it might be able to spur some future research on this topic, which is surprisingly understudied.


Gelman, Andrew. 2008. “Scaling Regression Inputs by Dividing by Two Standard Deviations.” Statistics in Medicine 27 (15): 2865–73.
Larsson, Johan, and Jonas Wallin. 2025. “The Choice of Normalization Influences Shrinkage in Regularized Regression.” January 21, 2025.
Tibshirani, Robert. 1996. “Regression Shrinkage and Selection via the Lasso.” The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology) 58 (1): 267–88.